The new wave of flu that hit our country did not help at all those who already feel isolated and abandoned! It has also unfortunately hit some of our dedicated 'Welcomers' who give a few hours a week to help others at the reception of the Millennium Chapel, some of whom also fight a feeling of solitude if they stay at home. The number of homeless people and refugees who knock daily at our door to give them some sandwiches and coffees/teas have also increased and is also becoming heavy to the present 'Welcomers'.
I am appealing to all those who have a few hours a week to spare and invite them to feel that inner peace of helping others while at the same time overcome the solitude.
“It is in giving the we receive” is the motto of Mother Teresa and ours too.
Just call 21 381172 or 21 354464 and speak to Doreen or John to book an appointment.

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The Chapel is open from 8.00 am until 11.00 pm all year round